The show last weekend went nicely. I made some art glass that was very well received. It inspired me to get back into that media again and so I’ll take art glass to a gallery jury meeting scheduled for June 23rd. I’ve had art glass there in the past and it was very profitable for the gallery and for me. I’d be very surprised if my work was not juried in again.
Yesterday I had lunch with a friend from High School who currently lives in Florida but is visiting VA. It was a nice time of catching up on *gulp* twenty one years *gulp* of post H.S. life. Then we visited the Verona farmer’s market where I’ll be selling soap next week. It was a lovely venue with a large roof providing plenty of shade and open air. It was a beautiful day with lots of poofy clouds and the tables were piled high with lettuce, onions, potatoes as well as baked goods. There was only one other seller there with soap and mine is very different from his so I think I’ll be a nice compliment to that group. Plus I’ll get to pick up something lovely for supper each Wednesday. I am looking forward to that.
Yesterday and today I am working on building a website for a friend. It’s an interesting process. He gave me the link to a website that he really likes the look of and wanted something similar. It has been very interesting to see it begin with just the basics and then plug in the material and continue to develop it. I think it would be very interesting to watch another programmer work and see how the project takes shape for them. I’m sure there would be some similarities and also major differences. Since I am self-taught I imagine there are plenty of differences in the way I work from the way others work. The idea of watching the development reminds me of time lapse photography where you get the see the movement of the clouds or stars in the night sky. It would be interesting to watch the development of a website in the same way.
If you’d like to take a look, here is the link: And I especially like this page: where the colors seemed to connect and blend in a way that makes me happy. I haven’t heard from Steve since yesterday afternoon very early in the development so I don’t know what he thinks of the progress. I hope to see what he thinks of things soon. I’ll include a link to another website I designed as well:
I want to start production today and tomorrow on a line of soaps that are completely natural from the oils to the colorants used. I’m looking forward to getting into that and would like to have some ready for the weekend Farmer’s Market in Staunton. That could take some doin though, so we’ll see. I have plenty of inventory without that, it would be fun though.
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