But the Purple/Magenta/Fuchsia…
Now that’s swoon-worthy! All of my favorite vibrant life affirming colors in one yard of fabric! Wow! I can hardly wait to make something incredible with these! I think I will leave the Purple/Magenta/Fuchsia one hanging on the living room wall for a while. My living room is very much in progress anyway(as is this whole house cause we just moved here.) I am allowed to keep a yard of fabric on my wall just for happy gazing! (You are also!)
To be honest I’m not entirely certain that I can improve them with cutting… though as I thought about it some I think that I could cut and frame them under glass and hang them in my new kitchen. That might be very cool indeed. I would just wrap a gallery canvas in them but in a kitchen I don’t think that’s the best idea with all the food stuff that becomes airborne. It’s something to keep on my back burner and I’ll post photos as I find a project worthy of these glorious fabrics!
Speaking of kitchen... While I had the camera out to capture these amazing fabrics, I started playing:
And Frieda included a postcard that looks like this: Divine Spring color!
Thank you Frieda, these are AMAZING!
Check out her website here.
Check out her blog here.
Wow they look fantastic I must admit. I am so glad you like them.